Claus Reinke wrote:
You might find this interesting:

@inproceedings{ fokker95explaining,
author = "Jeroen Fokker",
title = "Explaining Algebraic Theory with Functional Programs",
booktitle = "Functional Programming Languages in Education",
pages = "139-158",
year = "1995",
url = "" }

Extremely interesting, thank you. It also contains a very interesting remark (on p. 2), noting that one should have
class Eq a => Monoid a where
(<+>) :: a -> a -> a
zero ::a

And states "Because in the lawsŠ the notion of equality is used, we have made Monoid a subclass of Eq". In hindsight, this is obvious, but is naively tempting to define a monoid without this constraint. And, indeed, Data.Monoid defines a Monoid class without an Eq constraint!

So, what are monoids without equality in Haskell? There are rather interesting beasts: they are monoids for which we have a computable 0 (mempty) and a computable addition (mappend), but for which we cannot *witness* equality of the underlying carrier 'set'. This, for example, is the only way one can legitimately get an instance such as
instance Monoid b => Monoid (a->b)

While Haskell is used quite a lot for doing computable (or 'extensional') mathematics, intensionality sneaks in here and there -- and this is just one such example.

I must admit, I actually don't yet know whether I prefer classical monoids or these generalized monoids where the laws are _purely_ intensional. Opinions?

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