* Patrick Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-08-28 04:24:21-0700]
> Hi everyone,
> I've started on bindings for the random number generators and random  
> distributions provided by the gsl.  The package is available here:
> http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/gsl-random
> I've also written a monad and transformer for doing monte carlo  
> computations that uses gsl-random internally.  Here is that package:
> http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/monte-carlo
> For a quick tutorial in the latter package, see my blog:
> http://quantile95.com/2008/08/27/a-monte-carlo-monad-for-haskell/

Should be

> There is also a more complicated example in the "examples" directory.   
> Currently, only normal, uniform, and poisson random variables are  
> supported.  I have no plans to add anything else unless I need it, but I 
> will happily accept patches if someone else is willing to do the work.
> One thing you may need to watch out for is that gsl-random needs to link 
> with cblas.  If your cblas is not called "cblas", you may have to edit 
> "gsl-random.cabal" to get things to work correctly.  To use the cblas 
> that comes with the gsl, change "cblas" to "gslcblas".  To use ATLAS, 
> change "cblas" to "cblas atlas".
> Patrick
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kzm: My program contains a bug. How ungrateful, after all I've done for it.
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