Tom Hawkins wrote:

data Expr :: * -> * where
  Const :: a -> Term a
  Equal :: Term a -> Term a -> Term Bool

Your basic problem is this:

  p1 :: Term Bool
  p1 = Equal (Const 3) (Const 4)

  p2 :: Term Bool
  p2 = Equal (Const "yes") (Const "no")

p1 and p2 have the same type, but you're not going to be able to compare them unless you can compare an Int and a String. What do you want p1 == p2 to do?

If you want to just say that different types are always non-equal, the simplest way is to create a witness type for your type-system. For instance:

  data MyType a where
    IntType :: MyType Int
    StringType :: MyType String

Now you'll want to declare MyType as a simple witness:

  instance SimpleWitness MyType where
    matchWitness IntType IntType = Just MkEqualType
    matchWitness StringType StringType = Just MkEqualType
    matchWitness _ _ = Nothing

You'll need to include a witness wherever parameter types cannot be inferred from the type of the object, as well as an Eq dictionary:

  data Term :: * -> * where
    Const :: a -> Term a
    Equal :: Eq a => MyType a -> Term a -> Term a -> Term Bool

Now you can do:

  instance Eq a => Eq (Term a) where
    (Const p1) == (Const p2) = p1 == p2
    (Equal w1 p1 q1) (Equal w2 p2 q2) = case matchWitness w1 w2 of
       MkEqualType -> (p1 == p2) && (q1 == q2)
       _ -> False -- because the types are different
    _ == _ = False

Note: I haven't actually checked this. Use "cabal install witness" to get SimpleWitness and EqualType.

Ashley Yakeley

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