On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 1:06 PM, Gwern Branwen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yi fails on Alex because Cabal doesn't track executables, nor executables 
> needed for installation. You want 'cabal install alex yi';

Yay, that finally worked :) Had to add ~/.cabal/bin to my path first,
which wasn't hard to figure out but should probably also be in a faq

> I believe the FAQ covers this.

Nope. I was following http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Yi when I got
stuck, and the page makes no mention of how to resolve the alex

> As for cabal install yi-gtk, unless things have changed since I last looked, 
> the answer is Don't Do That. yi-gtk and yi-vty are solely for yi 0.3 and 
> below - it's obsolete, in other words. Yi depends directly on vty (which 
> cabal install will handle) and GTK2HS, which unfortunately is not on Hackage 
> and so you or your distro has to handle that.

Okay, thanks :)

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