The Wikipedia says:

"For a finite set of points in the plane, each colored "red" or "blue",
there is a line that simultaneously bisects the red points and bisects
the blue points, that is, the number of red points on either side of the line is equal and the number of blue points on either side of the line is equal."

Does this work with more than two colours? i.e. can I recursively subdivide the halves into quarters with another cut?

Am 01.10.2008 um 15:33 schrieb Dominic Steinitz:

Adrian Neumann <aneumann <at>> writes:

I often wonder how many cuts you need to divide a steak in n pieces.
You can obviously get n pieces with (sqrt n) cuts by cutting a grid.
But I'm sure some smart mathematician thought of a (log n) way.

You might try the ham sandwich theorem as an hors d'oeuvre.

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