I am working on a query language translator, and although I feel that a monadic formulation would work well for this application, I've stumbled on a number of questions and difficulties that I thought the knowledgeable people here might be able to help me with.

As a translator, there's a source language and a target language, and both of these are specified as a grammar of nested expressions. My first thought was to formulate the target language as an embedded language where each clause expression is represented as a monad operation, so that the bind operator can join the pieces together, e.g.:

 (clause1, clause2 ...)

could be specified as an embedded language as:

 clause1  >>= \ v1 ->
 clause2  >>= \ v2 -> ...

However, each of the clauses is actually an output routine to send the expression that it denotes to a remote server, and a parser for receiving the results. Since a clause is really a pair of operations, it doesn't seem possible to formulate a monad that will compose all the output routines together and compose all the input routines together in one shot. (Note that the variables in the above code (v1, v2) represent inputs to be received from the remote server -- all outputs are packaged into the clause expressions themselves and are effectively literals.)

A naive formulation of a monad to implement the above as "output -> input v" might appear to work, but has the ill-effect of interleaving the output and input statements for each clause rather than composing something that can send the entire request, and then receive the entire result.

This forces me to use "output * input v" as the type of each clause expression, but now it is not possible to write a monad with a bind operation that will compose pieces in terms of input variables. Instead I have had to resort to using a set of combinators that thread a continuation function through each clause and accumulate inputs as they are received:

 clause1 ==> (\ k v1 -> k (trans1 v1)) ++
 clause2 ==> (\ k v2 -> k (trans2 v2)) ++ ...

This threading is necessary in that I want to stream the translation back to the client requesting the translation rather than building up the (possibly large) results in memory.

This formulation has proven to be quite cumbersome in practice, as the resulting continuation types reflect the depth-first traversal of the nested query expressions, and type errors can be quite unintuitive. (It is quite interesting though that each continuation/transformation function can receive not only receive the input from the immediately preceding clause, but from any of the preceding clauses, and also return more or fewer results. However getting anything wrong can be very problematic in that it can lead to either downstream *or* upstream errors depending on how the clauses are composed into an overall query expression.)

An alternative to all this would be to use an algebraic datatype to specify the target language (with separate routines for the output and input operations), but that would appear to require another sum type to express the values to be received. I'd like to avoid that if possible since the projection of those values back into my program could lead to dynamic type errors, and also causes seemingly needless memory allocations.

There must be another technique for this sort of streaming translation out there... I welcome any suggestions you might have!

Warren Harris
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

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