2008/11/23 Larry Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> http://www.muitovar.com/monad/moncow.xhtml#list
> contains a cross function which calculates the cross product
> of two lists.  That attached does the same but then
> used cross on 3 lists.  Naturally, I thought use of
> fold could generalize that to n lists; however,
> I'm getting error:

You should try writing this yourself, it would be a good exercise.  To
begin with, you can mimic the structure of cross in that tutorial, but
make it recursive.  After you have a recursive version, you might try
switching to fold or foldM.

The type of the function will not involve tuples, since they can be
arbitrary length (dynamic-length tuples are not supported in Haskell;
we use lists for that).

cross :: [[a]] -> [[a]]


Good luck,
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