I was trying to create a typeclass for an abstract Stack class, and ran into some problems. The following 'works' fine:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XEmptyDataDecls -XFlexibleContexts -fno-monomorphism-restriction #-}
module Stack where

data Void

class Stack s where
   push_ :: s a r -> b -> s b (s a r)
   empty :: s () Void
   top   :: s a (s b r) -> (a, s b r)
   first :: s a r -> a

instance Stack (,) where
   push_ s a = (a,s)
   empty     = ((),undefined::Void)
   top       = id
   first     = fst

p = flip push_
test0 = top  . p 2 . p 3 $ empty

-- But the following doesn't - I get an "Ambiguous type variable `s' in the contraint `Stack s' arising from the use of `first':
test1 = first . p 2 . p 3 $ empty
-- sure, that makes sense, it somehow needs to know what flavour of Stack to use even though (or perhaps because) the answer is independent of it.
-- So I listen to the "probable fix" and add a type signature:
test1 :: Stack (,) => Integer

-- This does not however help at all! The only way I have found of 'fixing' this requires annotating the code itself, which I most definitely do not want to do because I specifically want the code to be polymorphic in that way. But GHC 6.8.2 does not want to let me do this.

What are my options?

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