
I know very little about licensing, so I'm hoping to get some advice from you 

In the next release of Wired, I plan to include an open-source standard cell library (or rather data derived from it). This cell library has a custom license (found at the bottom of http://www.nangate.com/openlibrary). It appears to be very permissive, but it states that the license text "must be included in all copies of the Library, in whole or in part, and all derivative works of the Library". Wired itself is BSD3-licensed.

How do I arrange this in the package? Can I still have a BSD3 license for Wired? Where do I put the respective license texts? Any other things I should have in mind?

Or perhaps it's better to put the cell library in its own package? I'm a bit reluctant to do this, because it means that Wired will be essentially useless on its own.


/ Emil

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