
I noticed last year Haskell.org was a mentoring organization for Google's Summer of Code, and I barely noticed some discussion about it applying again this year :)

I participated for GCC in 2008 and would like to try again this year; while I'm still active for GCC and will surely stay so, I'd like to see something new at least for GSoC. And Haskell.org would surely be a very, very nice organization.

Since I discovered there's more than just a lot of imperative languages that are nearly all the same, I love to do some programming in Prolog, Scheme and of course Haskell. However, so far this was only some toy programs and nothing "really useful"; I'd like to change this (as well as learning more about Haskell during the projects).

Here are some ideas for developing Haskell packages (that would hopefully be of general use to the community) as possible projects:

- Numerics, like basic linear algebra routines, numeric integration and other basic algorithms of numeric mathematics.

- A basic symbolic maths package; I've no idea how far one could do this as a single GSoC project, but it would surely be a very interesting task. Alternatively or in combination, one could try to use an existing free CAS package as engine.

- Graphs.

- Some simulation routines from physics, though I've not really an idea what exactly one should implement here best.

- A logic programming framework. I know there's something like that for Scheme; in my experience, there are some problems best expressed logically with Prolog-style backtracking/predicates and unification. This could help use such formulations from inside a Haskell program. This is surely also a very interesting project.

What do you think about these ideas? I'm pretty sure there are already some of those implemented, but I also hope some would be new and really of some use to the community. Do you think something would be especially nice to have and is currently missing?

Thanks for your comments,

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