On Thu, 12 Mar 2009 09:11:15 -0500, Gregg Reynolds <d...@mobileink.com>

>I don't think so.  Bad design will lose them (and many others), but
>good design and cuteness are two different things.

It's also possible for a good design to be cute, too.

>> You can still distinguish yourself from O'Reilly without losing the
>> cuteness factor with a logo like one of the following:
>We must have vastly different ideas of cute.  I don't consider those
>examples cute.  How about this as a criterion:  if it makes 13-year
>old Japanese girls squeal "kawaiiii!" then it's too cute.  Also if it
>involves the color pink.

What's wrong with the color pink (not that I prefer it personally, but
just wondering)?

You're also assuming that all 13-year old Japanese girls "squeal
'kawaiiii!'" in response to the same stimuli.  I know for a fact that
this isn't true (I recently saw a study asking Japanese girls to rate
different mascots for cuteness, and the poll fell roughly 50-50, as a
matter of fact).  Which 13-year old Japanese girls are you referring

-- Benjamin L. Russell
Benjamin L. Russell  /   DekuDekuplex at Yahoo dot com
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