
I'm having a problem using Typeable with STRefs. Basically, I want to store STRefs (among other things) in a universal type. STRef is an instance of Typeable2, which means that STRef s a is Typeable if s and a are both Typeable. The problem is that the state type s is opaque and I can see no way to make it Typeable (other than making it RealWorld, and I don't want to use IO for this). If this is the case, then AFAICT there is no point in having STRefs be instances of Typeable2. Am I missing something?

Here's the code I'd like to write:

import Data.Typeable
import Data.STRef
import Control.Monad.ST

data Value = forall a . Typeable a => V a
 deriving Typeable

getValue :: Typeable a => Value -> Maybe a
getValue (V v) = cast v

-- I need the Typeable s constraint for the code to compile, but I'd rather leave it out.
test :: Typeable s => ST s Integer
test = do ref <- newSTRef (10 :: Integer)
         let refVal = V ref
         case getValue refVal of
           Nothing -> error "BAD"
           Just r -> readSTRef r

-- This doesn't compile, because s is not Typeable. test2 :: Integer
test2 = runST test

Thanks in advance,


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