On Tue, 17 Mar 2009 20:34:12 +0100
Daniel Schüssler <anotheraddr...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> > Even worse, the buttons for moving items up and down are buggy - at
> > least on my browser (Firefox 3.1 beta 2 on Linux). They sometimes
> > reorder my other votes! Even assuming that the list box code is not
> > buggy (which I now doubt), not being able to use the buttons makes
> > this form almost unusable!
> I guess it works like this:
> "Move down" on an element X will make the /smallest/ change (with
> respect to the abstract ordering) that makes X worse than it's
> current value. This may require changing more than one number, for
> example if we have:
> (105:  ) (106: A) (107: X,B) (108: C,D) (109: E  ) (110:  )
> moving down X will result in either
> (105: A) (106: B) (107: X  ) (108: C,D) (109: D  ) (110:  )
> or equivalently
> (105:  ) (106: A) (107: B  ) (108: X  ) (109: C,D) (110: D)
> of course, maybe you already know that but you're saying that it is
> doing this wrongly ;)

Yes, I am saying that. To be more specific: I saw the current Haskell
logo get put back in the top position even though I had pushed it down,
and I saw three of my choices which I ranked quite highly, pushed
down to the bottom. Scarily bad.

However, I am now hacking together a quick-and-dirty utility for
ranking things which I will put on hackage. I'm not sure that anyone
other than myself will use it, but it's fun hacking it up.

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