On 20 Mar 2009, at 16:56, Mark Spezzano wrote:


I’ve been thinking of changing over to an iMac from my crappy old PC running Windows Vista.

Question: Does the iMac have good support for Haskell development?

As good as, if not better than other platforms I've found, you get none of the weird problems with libraries that aren't designed to run on windows, and more choice of editors than on linux.

Question: What environment setups do people commonly use (e.g. Eclipse Xcode etc)?

I use SubEthaEdit and a Terminal window, I know many people that use emacs/vi, and one or two that use TextMate.

Question: Are there any caveats I should be aware of before changing systems (i.e. unpleasant surprises).

Not particularly – it's mostly like running linux, but without the headaches when things break, and with more choice of software.

I want to be able to use the machine for Haskell OpenGL programming.

Other than chose the graphics card carefully, an iMac will do you very well.

Hope that helps.

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