David, guys,

sorry, this all started with a misconception on my behalf of what a Zipper is and what it is good for.

In the days that followed my post this became much clearer though and I now realize my original question was pointless.

It seems you spotted that and yes, "generalized trie" is probably more what I'm looking for, thanks!


David Menendez schrieb:
On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 3:46 PM, Gü?nther Schmidt <gue.schm...@web.de> wrote:
Thanks Don,

I followed some examples but have not yet seen anything that would show me
how, for instance, turn a nested Map like

Map Int (Map Int (Map String Double)

into a "zipped" version.

That is presuming of course that this use is feasible at all.

Are you asking about the technique for navigating recursive
structures, or did you mean something having to do with the
isomorphism between "Map Int (Map Int (Map String Double))" and "Map
(Int,Int,String) Double"?

For the latter, the term you want is "generalized trie".

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