Don Stewart <> wrote:

> This means that 'cabal
> install' works out of the box on every system, without needing
> admin/root privs (esp. important for students).
...and people who were bitten by sanity and thus never, ever touch /usr
manually, only through their distribution's package manager.

Then there's those that work in an environment with network-mounted
home directories, and even if the admins judged you responsible and
skillful enough to award you local root rights, you still want your
working environment to be available on any machine you log on.

In short: If you don't need the package available for _every_ user, or
your distribution comes with a pre-packaged version, don't even think
to install it globally: it's an abomination to UNIX. Deal with it, OSX
users aren't running a graphic shell on steroids, any more, and, yes,
even Windoze users stopped running on top of that hacked-up program
loader named DOS.

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