I tried using the jhc javascript compiler back end a year or so ago.

It was too rough to use in production, but it did output javascript
from haskell.


2009/4/25 Miguel Mitrofanov <miguelim...@yandex.ru>:
> On 25 Apr 2009, at 21:53, Jason Dusek wrote:
>>  Many Haskell/JS bridges provide libraries for writing complete
>>  JavaScript programs in Haskell; some of them even include
>>  jQuery. However, my goals are more limited -- I'd like to be
>>  able to take a Haskell module and turn it into a JavaScript
>>  object.
> Many books explain how to grow a baby hippo; some of them even include
> instructions for treating it when it's sick. However, my goals are more
> limited -- I'd like to be able to take an elephant and turn it into a
> grown-up hippo.
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