On 26 May 2009, at 12:54 pm, <a...@spamcop.net> wrote:
Conal is definitely on to something here.  I've noticed that the best
designers have this weird personality quirk that allows them to put all
of their effort into pushing an idea, and then instantly back down and
revise the moment that it's been shown that the idea won't work.

I have one of Brian Marick's (www.exampler.com) stickers on my door.
It reads
        to be less wrong than yesterday

Two quotes I often give my students:
        Brethren, I beseech you in the bowels of Christ,
        consider it _possible_ that you _may_ be wrong.
                Oliver Cromwell

        Fear most of all to _remain_ in error.
                Me, deliberately misquoting Kierkegaard,
                quoting Socrates.  I changed 'be' to 'remain'.

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