2009/7/9  <hask...@kudling.de>:
> Hi,
> i find the current www.haskell.org frontpage quite overwhelming.
> Compare it for example with the home pages of other programming languages :
> http://caml.inria.fr/
> http://factorcode.org/
> http://sbcl.sourceforge.net/
> http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/
> http://www.falconpl.org/
> Here is my sketch of a leaner, more structured Haskell front page:
> http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/User:Lenny222/Haskell
> Comments?

My favorite in all these is haskell.org :)

I find it very to the point and not overwhelming at all : it's easy to
glance over it and find quickly what I want.

In fact, the homepage reflects well the language and its community:
effective, useful, healthy and joyful.

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