On Thursday 09 July 2009, Cristiano Paris wrote:
> Thanks. In fact, I was stuck trying to find an example which couldn't
> be written using Python's iterators. The only difference coming up to
> my mind was that Haskell's lists are a more natural way to express a
> program relying on laziness. That was the reason why added the clause
> "at least not elegantly" in my first post.

        I recently tried writing some code to simulate a certain protocol in 
I thought I'll go the "smart" way and rely on the Python yield construct to 
do a CPS transformation of my code.
        While this worked to a certain extent, composability was a problem, 
any sub-procedure which used yield (and thus was an iterator) required being 
called in a rather inelegant way.

        Marcin Kosiba

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