On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 3:42 PM, Thomas Davie<tom.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 14 Jul 2009, at 15:30, Patai Gergely wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I was asked to give a one-hour 'introductory' seminar on Haskell. The
>> audience is a bunch of very clever people with a wider than usual
>> perspective on programming and mathematics, and my talk should be rather
>> informational than evangelistic. Which topics do you think I should
>> touch by all means given the short time?
> Lazyness and the many funky things it lets you do -- there's tons of elegant
> programs that are only possible because of lazyness :)

I would like to know them.

I'm looking for small snippets of code that are elegant when written
in Haskell (which is lazy by default) but not in other languages
supporting some form of laziness (like Python+Iterators).

Can you post some?

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