It's possible, but it's not nice. You need to be able to "get out of the monad" to make the types match, i.e.
   lam f = I (return $ \x -> let y = I (return x) in
                             unsafePerformIO $ unI (f y))

The use of IO 'forces' lam to transform its effectful input into an even more effectful result. Actually, same goes for any monad used inside a 'repr'.

let_ and fix follow a similar pattern (although you can hide that somewhat by re-using lam if you wish).


Günther Schmidt wrote:
Hi all,

I'm playing around with finally tagless.

Here is the class for my Syntax:

class HOAS repr where
    lam :: (repr a -> repr b) -> repr (a -> b)
    app :: repr (a -> b) -> repr a -> repr b
    fix :: (repr a -> repr a) -> repr a
    let_ :: repr a -> (repr a -> repr b) -> repr b

    int :: Int -> repr Int
    add :: repr Int -> repr Int -> repr Int
    sub :: repr Int -> repr Int -> repr Int
    mul :: repr Int -> repr Int -> repr Int

and here is one instance of that class for semantics.

newtype I a = I { unI :: IO a }

instance HOAS I where
    app e1 e2 = I (do
                    e1' <- unI e1
                    e2' <- unI e2
                    return $ e1' e2')
    int i = I (putStrLn ("setting an integer: " ++ show i) >> return i)
    add e1 e2 = I (do
                    e1' <- unI e1
                    e2' <- unI e2
                    putStrLn (printf "adding %d with %d" e1' e2')
                    return $ e1' + e2')
    sub e1 e2 = I (do
                    e1' <- unI e1
                    e2' <- unI e2
                    putStrLn (printf "subtracting %d from %d" e1' e2')
                    return $ e1' - e2')
    mul e1 e2 = I (do
                    e1' <- unI e1
                    e2' <- unI e2
                    putStrLn (printf "multiplying %d with %d" e1' e2')
                    return $ e1' * e2')

I'm stuck with the "lam" method, for 2 days now I've been trying to get it right, but failed.

Is there a possibility that it isn't even possible?


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