On 08/10/09 04:57, David Menendez wrote:
On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 8:29 PM, Michael Mossey<m...@alumni.caltech.edu>  wrote:
In Test.QuickCheck, the type of 'generate' is

generate :: Int ->  StdGen ->  Gen a ->  a

I can't find docs that explain what the Int does. Some docs are here:
Judging by the source code, the integer is the upper bound for the
size parameter. If you are generating a list, for example, it gives
the maximum size of the list
Thats right. Its the "size" parameter, and what it does depends on the instance of Arbitrary. Arbitrary numbers will be within +/- size. Arbitrary lists will be of maximum length size. On the other hand arbitrary booleans will just be True or False.

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