Thank you for including my quote (by "dekudekuplex"), and great work
so far!

Just a couple of minor comments:

1) It might be useful for referencing by subject if you could include
the issue number and date in the subject line (e.g., " Haskell Weekly
News: Issue 131 - September 25, 2009") instead of only "Haskell Weekly

2) Instead of posting separately to the Haskell and Haskell-Cafe
mailing lists, it might be better to cross-post, since that way,
readers using newsreaders can have the cross-posted article
automatically marked "read" in the mailing list where it has not been

Other than that, hope that you get over your sinus infection, and keep
up the good work!

Benjamin L. Russell

On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 09:46:25 -0700 (PDT), Joe Fredette
<> wrote:

>Haskell Weekly News
>Issue 134 - October 03, 2009
>   Welcome to issue 134 of HWN, a newsletter covering developments in the
>   [1]Haskell community.
>   I have a nasty sinus infection this week, so we're somewhat light on
>   content. Lots of good discussion about DSL related stuff this week.
>   Bryan O'Sullivan also release 'Criterion' this week, a new benchmarking
>   library that Don Stewart described (on reddit) as 'awesome and game
>   changing.' A new TMR editor -- someone familiar -- was announced. Also,
>   there was some talk about homework policies on the mailinglists and in
>   the irc channels. There is a [2]page on the Haskell wiki about this,
>   but to sum it up in a maxim, remember, 'Help, don't do'. Until next
>   week, the Haskell Weekly News!
>   New TMR editor. Wouter Swierstra [3]announced that he would be stepping
>   down from the editorship of 'The Monad Reader', with former HWN editor
>   Brent Yorgey taking his place. Much thanks for Wouter's hard work and
>   good luck to Brent on his new editor job!
>   SourceGraph 0.5.{0,1,2}.0. Ivan Lazar Miljenovic [4]announced three new
>   releases of the SourceGraph packages, this links to the latest release.
>   json-b-0.0.4. Jason Dusek [5]announced a new version of the json-b
>   package, which fixes defective handling of empty objects and arrays.
>   rss2irc 0.4 released. Simon Michael [6]announced a new release of
>   rss2irc, with many new improvements and features.
>   vty-ui 0.1. Jonathan Daugherty [7]announced vty-ui, which is an
>   extensible library of user interface widgets for composing and laying
>   out Vty user interfaces.
>   atom-0.1.1. Tom Hawkins [8]announced Atom, a Haskell DSL for designing
>   hard real-time embedded applications.
>   Graphalyze- Ivan Lazar Miljenovic [9]announced (in an apparent
>   effort to take over hackage by submitting dozens of quality packages at
>   absurdly high speed), Graphalyze, a library for using graph-theoretic
>   techniques to analyse the relationships inherent within discrete data.
>   Criterion. Bryan O'Sullivan [10]announced (without tacking on an 'ANN'
>   tag, I might add, I almost missed it!) Criterion, a benchmarking
>   library he describes [11]here.
>   ListTree 0.1. [12]announced ListTree, a package for
>   combinatorial search and pruning of trees.
>   usb-0.1. Bas van Dijk [13]announced a library for interacting with usb
>   modules from userspace.
>   (Deadline extended to October 5th) APLAS 2009 Call for Posters.
>   Kiminori Matsuzaki [14]announced a deadline extension to the call for
>   posters for the APLAS conference.
>   graphviz-2999.6.0.0. Ivan Lazar Miljenovic [15]announced a new version
>   of the graphviz library, which features various new features and small
>   changes.
>   Testing polymorphic properties with QuickCheck. Jean-Philippe Bernardy
>   [16]gave an excellent overview about how to use QuickCheck to test
>   polymorphic properties.
>   Designing a DSL? Gunther Schmidt [17]asked about different methods
>   employed for designing a DSL.
>   DSL and GUI Toolkits. Gunther Schmidt [18]also asked about different
>   DSLs for working with GUIs
>   error on "--++ bla bla bla". Hong Yang [19]asked about why '--++'
>   wasn't being parsed in the way he thought it was.
>   Haskell for Physicists. edgar [20]requested name suggestions for the
>   talk he is giving about Physics and Haskell.
>Blog noise
>   [21]Haskell news from the [22]blogosphere. Blog posts from people new
>   to the Haskell community are marked with >>>, be sure to welcome them!
>     * Sean Leather: [23]'Extensibility and type safety in formatting: the
>       design of xformat' at the Dutch HUG.
>     * Martijn van Steenbergen: [24]let 5 = 6.
>     * Lee Pike: [25]Writer's unblock.
>     * Manuel M T Chakravarty: [26]NVIDIAs next generation GPU
>       architecture has a lot for HPC to love.
>     * David Amos: [27]Finite geometries, part 4: Lines in PG(n,Fq).
>     * Bryan O'Sullivan: [28]New criterion release works on Macs.
>     * Neil Brown: [29]Poison: Concurrent Termination.
>     * The GHC Team: [30]Heads up: what you need to know about Unicode I/O
>       in GHC 6.12.1.
>     * Galois, Inc: [31]Tech Talk: Roll Your Own Test Bed for Embedded
>       Real-Time Protocols: A Haskell Experience.
>     * Bryan O'Sullivan: [32]Criterion, a new benchmarking library for
>       Haskell.
>     * Tom Schrijvers: [33]Monadic Constraint Programming.
>     * Neil Brown: [34]Growing Sort Pump.
>Quotes of the Week
>     * dekudekuplex: (Unfortunately (unless intentional)) the preceding
>       (by ksf (in the 'Quotes of the Week' section)) quote had mismatched
>       (one too many opening) parentheses (although it was still funny
>       (even though it could have been edited (to make the parentheses
>       match (even though that is not an important issue)))).
>     * pozic: I think if you want to contact dons, you have to say that
>       you found a bug in ByteString.
>     * Veinor: [about dibblego kicking a whole bunch of spammers]
>       crouching dibblego, hidden op
>     * allbery_b: [on UndecidableInstances] 'this exceeds my easy
>       threshold, turn on wizard mode' (at which point it becomes a lot
>       smarter but may start contemplating its navel without warning)
>     * byorgey: a bus error? try recompiling with -fsubway, perhaps
>     * jafet: 'Zygomorphism' sounds like a reproductive disorder
>About the Haskell Weekly News
>   New editions are posted to [35]the Haskell mailing list as well as to
>   [36]the Haskell Sequence and [37]Planet Haskell. [38]RSS is also
>   available, and headlines appear on [39]
>   To help create new editions of this newsletter, please see the
>   information on [40]how to contribute. Send stories to jfredett . at .
>   gmail . dot . com. The darcs repository is available at darcs get
>   [41] HWN2 .
>   1.
>   2.
>   3.
>   4.
>   5.
>   6.
>   7.
>   8.
>   9.
>  10.
>  11. 
>  12.
>  13.
>  14.
>  15.
>  16.
>  17.
>  18.
>  19.
>  20.
>  21.
>  22.
>  23. 
>  24.
>  25.
>  26.
>  27. 
>  28. 
>  29.
>  30. 
>  31.
>  32. 
>  33. 
>  34.
>  35.
>  36.
>  37.
>  38.
>  39.
>  40.
>  41.
Benjamin L. Russell  /   DekuDekuplex at Yahoo dot com
Translator/Interpreter / Mobile:  +011 81 80-3603-6725
"Furuike ya, kawazu tobikomu mizu no oto." 
-- Matsuo Basho^ 

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