As many people guess, I am trying to port programs from Clean 1.3 to Haskell 
(and also to Clean 2.2, which is easier, but not much easier). Late Professor 
Wellesley wrote an interesting data base manager in Clean 1.3 that I would like 
to see in Haskell and Clean 2.2. However, when I tried to implement the BTree 
algorithm, GHC compiler did not accept hSeek and other IO operations.

D:\Programs\GHC-PROGS\docs\textut>ghc btree.hs --make
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( btree.hs, btree.o )
Linking btree.exe ...

btree.exe: teste.txt: hSeek: illegal operation (seek operations on text-mod
dles are not allowed on this platform)

To make a long story short, the program compiles, but does not run. This is 
interesting, because when Clean compiles an input/output operation it certainly 
executes it. In any case, what I should do in order to make file operations 
work on Windows? I need random access to text files. 

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