No worries, I'd rather have it twice than not at all :-)

Thank you all for the helpful tipps. We ended up knowing a lot more about 
Haskell. The easiest solution however, was to compile it all into an 
application - tadaa, deleting works as wished for.

Am 05.11.2009 um 02:00 schrieb Ben Millwood:

> Oops, I clicked "reply" instead of "reply to all". Duplicating the
> message below.
> I suppose this means someone is going to get two copies of this. Sorry 
> someone!
> On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 12:56 AM, Ben Millwood <> 
> wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 10:21 PM, Torsten Otto <> wrote:
>>> When we read the user's input through
>>>>   t <- getLine
>>> it is not possible to delete typos before hitting enter and thereby sending
>>> the input off to the system (at least in OS X, bash). I didn't find that
>>> terribly problematic, but of course it is a bit of a show stopper from their
>>> point of view.
>> As people have said it's worth checking what buffering settings you
>> are using (especially note that ghci changes some interesting settings
>> in relation to how input is handled, and compiled code may behave
>> differently), but it might also be worth checking the terminal
>> application's preferences to see if there are settings related to the
>> interpretation of the backspace key that you need to twiddle one way
>> or the other. In particular, if you are finding that pressing delete
>> makes ^H appear on the input line instead of deleting things, or if
>> pressing ctrl-H deletes stuff where the delete key fails to do so, it
>> might be a problem with your terminal rather than with your program.
>> This is only based on what I vaguely remember from faffing with the
>> Mac Terminal application some time ago when it wouldn't co-operate
>> with screen, but it may be worth a look.
>> yours,
>> Ben Millwood

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