1) This is missing the obligatory youtube video.

2) AWESOME! :)


2010/2/11 Patai Gergely <patai_gerg...@fastmail.fm>:
> Hello all,
> I just uploaded the first public version of Dungeons of Wor [1], a
> homage to the renowned three-decade-old arcade game, Wizard of Wor.
> While it makes a fine time killer if you have a few minutes to spare, it
> might be of special interest to the lost souls who are trying to figure
> out FRP. The game was programmed using the Simple version of the
> experimental branch of Elerea [2], which provides first-class discrete
> streams to describe time-varying quantities, and the main game logic is
> described as a composition of streams instead of a world state
> transformer. Developing in this manner was an interesting experience,
> and I'll write about it in more detail over the weekend.
> All the best,
> Gergely
> [1] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/dow
> [2]
> http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/elerea/1.2.3/doc/html/FRP-Elerea-Experimental-Simple.html
> --
> http://www.fastmail.fm - The professional email service
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