Hello Wisecrackers,
Cannot resist shering with you my perspective.

Computer is a logic device and logic builds complexity bottom up while graphics 
builds it top down.
They are therefore antagonistic by nature and in the single case of their 
glorious interplay - The
Euclidean Geometry - it blocked abstract thinking for two millennia (no zero, 
no negative numbers,
no continuity). The implications of that facts are 3-fold:

(1) Compositional GUI needs some non-geometric and perhaps non-commutative 
(2) GUI will always set limit on the scope of your thinking
(3) conceptually rich DSL is your best friend as human-computer interface.

The role of GUI has gone way beyond its usefulness and now serves the industry 
to sell computers as
candies. Apps like Acrobat Reader became little more than GUI when judged by 
size and only
spymasters' conflicting interests strip some GUI excess to see you swim in 
sewers of the
Internet-turned-video. This visual mania is dangerous as it discourages 
investigative thinking and
reliance on concepts. It is shocking and in my judgement not a coincidence that 
major theories (like
Chaos T.) were discovered using punched cards or plain pen and paper, while 
Artificial Intelligence
research has been very acutely wounded by mouse.

Down to Earth TTS reading should have human quality by now, had the researchers 
used conceptual and
compositional approach. If linguists knew Haskell they could write DSLs to 
intelligently query large
data sets and step by step discover human algorithms. Instead they use mostly 
statistics for pattern
recognition. If experts could build DSLs for amplifying their own human 
concepts they would multiply
computer power by human intelligence. Instead they are taught how to press GUI 
buttons. And what is
behind this buttons? Statistics and designer crap!

Down to the dust of your heels: make Acrobat Reader TTS read some PDF and you 
will hear main text
intermingled with unrelated footnotes and paragraph titles and copyrights of 
every picture or graph
repeated forever. You can correct this of course with several lines of Haskell 
code but then
Wall Street should sell Adobe and buy You;-)

I have been using Haskell for bizarre mathematical stuff but rarely feel the 
need for anything
more than Unicode. Still I would appreciate greatly a simple compositional GUI 
like Clean has.
Perhaps Haskell friendly drivers for selected cards is another path to 
simplicity? The ultimate GUI
waits for operator algebra action where Haskell may show its Category 
Theoretical teeth.

I doubt real world will ever learn Haskell so why Haskellers should pull every 
piece of real world
crap? My advice is: stay clean, the world is wrong. Alleluia!

- Andrzej Jaworski

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