Ivan Miljenovic wrote:
> Heinrich Apfelmus wrote:
>> Yes, the integers are just indexes. Of course, the example with the even
>> integers is a bit silly; but if the integers are actually indexes, then
>> it's conceptually cleaner to make them abstract, i.e.
>>    data Node  -- constructors are not exported
>> and provide combinators to operate on these abstract indexes, including
>> a corresponding Data.Graph.Inductive.NodeMap module.
>> I'd like to see such an abstract  Node  type, because then the library
>> will provide all operations I need. It took me some time to figure out
>> how to best use  Int  as indexes in my example code; an abstract  Node
>> type and a good  NodeMap  module would have made my life much easier.
> I'm not sure I understand what you're saying here: first you said you
> wanted to be able to specify a vertex type, now you're saying that you
> don't want to know what the vertex type even is (except that it's some
> abstract Node type)?  Whilst this would make graph usage safer/more
> robust, this seems to contradict your earlier arguments...

I'd be happy with either one. :) In both cases, I want to specify a
custom vertex type.

I can either do that directly if the library permits, though I think the
solution with associated types is too cumbersome to be useful for my
make  example.

Or I get an abstract  Node  type and the library provides just the right
functions that make it easy to manage a custom vertex type myself. I had
hoped that the  Data.Graph.Inductive.NodeMap  module provides this,
which it doesn't.

In other words, the abstractness of  Node  forces the library to provide
a well-designed set of functions to work with them, and that's what I'm
after. In my  make  example, I spent the most time thinking about how to
manage the  Int  nodes, finally settling with  Data.Map.findIndex , and
I prefer the library to think about that for me.

>> Darn, I meant
>>    data Graph node a b =
>>        Graph { internal :: Graph Int a b, nodes :: Map Int a }
>> The idea is to use  Ints  internally and only store a loose association
>> to the custom vertex type. In particular, no  Map a Int  is required,
>> only from  Int  to  a . Now, I realize that the other way round is
>> required as well for querying the context of a node in a graph.
> What's the point of that useless node type parameter then?  And how
> does the nodes map differ from just getting the graph label?

You're right, I now realize that this design doesn't work. But you asked
for wishes, so I wished for something. ;)

Heinrich Apfelmus


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