"Edward Z. Yang" <ezy...@mit.edu> writes:

> Excerpts from Bryan O'Sullivan's message of Fri Jun 18 13:16:58 -0400 2010:
>> I'm inclined to disagree. It's precisely when the code is in a state of
>> constant upheaval that I want the type system to be pointing out my dumb
>> errors.
> In my experience, the type system has forced me to care about thing that I
> don't want to care about (yet).  It's a different mindset: in the words of the
> prototyper: being first is valued over being correct.
> This does mean that Haskell forces you to write long-term maintainable
> code from the get-go, yes. :-)
Haha, that's true. :)

When i write Haskell code, it force me write *framework* code.

Sometimes, i wrote dirty code quickly, 
Haskell will told me :

   "Hey, bad code! Rewrite it! I don't accept dirty code ... bla bla ...".
Then i rewrite my code to make it flexible and maintainable.

Once you build beautiful framework code, you will find your life is so
simple. :)


  -- Andy

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