On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 4:12 PM, Qi Qi <qiqi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there anyone happen to come into any tasks that haskell is not able
> to achieve?

Haskell has very limited support for high-level Natural Language
Processing (tokenization, sentence splitting, Named-entity
recognition, etc...).  NLTK (python), OpenNLP (java), and FleeLing
(C++) all have quite a lot to offer here, but there aren't currently
any bindings to those implementations from Haskell.  FreeLing is the
best choice from a pure languages standpoint, but it is GPL, which
would infect the resulting bindings and reduce the utility of the

I have some hope that jvm-bridge can be resurrected to bind to
OpenNLP, but that's something I've only spent a few days thinking
about.  (I'd love to have some pointers / help / documentation on
jvm-bridge, if anyone has insights :)


> Thanks.
> --
> Qi Qi
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