After chatting with Chris privately it turned out that the confusion within the 
Chat example is partly because I did not find a good and simple solution for 
mixing user input and chat output asynchronously in one terminal stream. One 
can possibly do better, here. 
Also, apparently I left some debug flags active in the library which does not 
help to explore it. Sorry. You can turn debugging mode off by setting all debug 
flags to False in DebugBase.hs. I will correct that with the next update as 

As a quick fix to put the documentation online it can be downloaded from, also available through my 
very rudimentary institute's web presence


Am 04.08.2010 um 10:43 schrieb Chris Eidhof:

> This looks very cool! It would be nice to put the pdf online somewhere, and 
> add a link from the package documentation. Also, the chat client seems to 
> have some problems with output buffering on my system (OS X, GHC 6.12).
> -chris
> On 3 aug 2010, at 10:35, Frank Kupke wrote:
>> Hi,
>> DSTM is an implementation of a robust distributed Software Transactional 
>> Memory (STM) library for Haskell. Many real-life applications are 
>> distributed by nature. Concurrent applications may profit from robustness 
>> added by re-implementation as distributed applications. DSTM extends the STM 
>> abstraction to distributed systems and presents an implementation efficient 
>> enough to be used in soft real-time applications. Further, the implemented 
>> library is robust in itself, offering the application developer a high 
>> abstraction level to realize robustness, hence, significantly simplifying 
>> this, in general, complex task.
>> The DSTM package consists of the DSTM library, a name server application, 
>> and three sample distributed programs using the library. Provided are a 
>> simple Dining Philosophers, a Chat, and a soft real-time Bomberman game 
>> application. Distributed communication is transparent to the application 
>> programmer. The application designer uses a very simple name server 
>> mechanism to set up the system. The DSTM library includes the management of 
>> unavailable process nodes and provides the application with abstract error 
>> information thus facilitating the implementation of robust distributed 
>> application programs.
>> For usage please look into the documentation file: DSTMManual.pdf.
>> The package including the documentation can be found on:
>> Best regards,
>> Frank Kupke
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