I use Leksah and have done since I started contributing to it.  The best way to 
make it work for you is to use Leksah to fix what you don't like about Leksah 
;-)  Failing that giving good feedback about bugs and missing features is the 
next best thing. 

On 3 Aug 2010, at 18:48, David Virebayre wrote:
> Trying code completion in comments on string constants, for example.
> Code completion makes the text jump if you're editing near the bottom
> of the editor area.

You could turn on Edit Prefs -> GUI Options -> Complete only on Hotkey 

Default hotkey is Ctrl+Space

> I like the "tocandy" feature but then it breaks alignment if you open
> the file in another editor. Something probably fixable by editing the
> candy file.

Just out of interest which of the candy replacements caused problems.  Some of 
them (such as ->) already are set to include spaces to pad out differences.

You can turn candy off by unchecking Configuration -> To Candy

Does your existing editor handle candy better? If so how?

> I'am a bit lost between Workspace and Package, especially when all I
> want is write a quick single-source haskell program.

We are planning to improve this by adding a default workspace and/or adding 
messages to prompt users if they have not got a workspace or package open.

Basically to get started on a app
  Workspace -> New Workspace (this file contains a list of packages to open)

I think most users probably only ever need one workspace file.

Next if you have a .cabal file already...
  Panes -> Workspace (to show the workspace pane)
  Right click in the workspace Pane and select Add Package

Or if you want to create a new package...
  Package -> New Package
  Select a folder whose name matches the desired project name
  If you just click Save down the bottom you will get a very
    basic executable package with a Main module (but no main function)

To switch between packages in your workspace just double click on it in the 
Workspace pane.

> That's all I can think of right now, I've exagerated a bit when I said
> "unusable". Leksah is going to be an awesome editor, it's just not
> ready yet for me.

Thanks for the feedback, please let us know if you think of anything else.

As well as the google forum we now also have #leksah on IRC.

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