On 30 Aug 2010, at 00:55, Stephen Tetley wrote:

> On 29 August 2010 13:24, Hamish Mackenzie
> <hamish.k.macken...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Use TakeOffGW (http://sourceforge.net/projects/takeoffgw/) to install :
> Hi Hamish
> Does TakeOffGW work well in practice? The intentions behind it are
> admirable but at the moment it seems rather new.

They have been able to leverage a lot of the windows cross compilation work 
done in SUSE.  TakeoffGW packages are built on SUSE and it uses the cygwin 
installer to download and install them.  Cygwin installer is fairly mature (has 
a number of quirks but it works).

So far I have only used it to build Leksah, but it has a lot of packages 

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