I imagine that getting Haskell GUI libraries set and playing nice with
the native GTK libs is a pain on Windows.

That said, I know that Haskell has very nice Lua bindings and Lua has
pretty mature GTK bindings. Has anyone tried developing their UI in
Lua with Haskell doing all the heavy lifting?


On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 1:33 PM, Steve Schafer <st...@fenestra.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Sep 2010 20:08:07 +0200, you wrote:
>>I think the problem is lack of Windows developers interested in GUIs,
>>and that Windows is not so POSIXy-development-friendly as Linux or OS
>>X. But mostly lack of people interested in that area, I think.
> There are lots of Windows developers "interested" in GUIs. On the whole,
> I'd say that Windows developers are far more focused on GUIs than
> non-Windows developers. (See, for example:
>  http://mpt.net.nz/archive/2008/08/01/free-software-usability
> and
>  http://daringfireball.net/2004/04/spray_on_usability
> for some discussion of attitudes.)
> The issue isn't that there aren't a lot of Windows developers who have
> an interest in Haskell+GUI development. The issue is that nearly every
> Windows developer who looks into Haskell+GUI says, "This stuff sucks,"
> and walks away, because they're interested in developing applications,
> not wrestling with GUI toolkits.
> -Steve Schafer
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