
On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 1:48 PM, Alberto G. Corona <agocor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> assign rates of mutation for each statement,

This could be assigned by evolution itself. If "if" will have high
probability of mutation then resulting programs will not survive. So
those probabilities can be assigned by evolution itself and be also
something which is passed on with generations (with again possibility
of mutations of those probabilities itself).

What would be interesting is to have an evolution algorithm which
would allow such protections to evolve during its run. So some kind of
protection which would lower the rate of mutation for some code part.

> Species of programs means that the seed of the genetic algoritm must not be
> turing comoplete I guess. It must be specific for each problem.

I do not see this as necessity. Just that those specimens which would
use this power too much would probably not survive. (If they would
remove protection for some sentences they have build before.)


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