I'm running a VM with Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat). I installed Darcs 2.4.4 using apt-get, but it keeps CONSTANTLY failing with the error message

darcs: bug at src/URL.hs:246 compiled Sep 12 2010 20:24:56
Another possible bug in URL.waitNextUrl: curl_multi_perform() - no running handles
See http://wiki.darcs.net/BugTracker/Reporting for help on bug reporting.

Does anybody have any clue how I can get the hell rid of this stupid message and actually get some stuff done?

(At this point, Darcs has hung, and I have to use the kill command with just the right signal number to make Darcs exit. Ctrl+C just tells me "Couldn't handle interrupt since darcs was in a sensitive job." So every single time this error happens, I have to get a process list, find Darcs, issue the kill command, and then reissue the original Darcs command and hope it actually completes this time...)

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