On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 4:06 AM, C K Kashyap <ckkash...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I've come across this a few times - "In Haskell, once can prove the
> correctness of the code" - Is this true?

You can prove the correctness of code for any language that has
precise semantics.  Which is basically none of them (I believe a
dialect of ML has one).  But many languages come very close, and
Haskell is one of them.  In particular, Haskell's laziness allows very
liberal use of equational reasoning, which is much more approachable
as a technique for correctness proofs than operational semantics.

The compiler is not able to verify your proofs, as Coq and Agda can,
except in very simple cases.  On the other hand, real-world
programmers the advantage of not being forced to prove the correctness
of their code because proofs are hard (technically Coq and Agda only
require you to prove termination, but many times termination proofs
require knowing most properties of your program so you have to
essentially prove correctness anyway).  I would like to see a language
that allowed optional verification, but that is a hard balance to make
because of the interaction of non-termination and the evaluation that
needs to happen when verifying a proof.

I have proved the correctness of Haskell code before.  Mostly I prove
that monads I define satisfy the monad laws when I am not sure whether
they will.  It is usually a pretty detailed process, and I only do it
when I am feeling adventurous.  I am not at home and I don't believe
I've published any of my proofs, so you'll have to take my word for it

There is recent research on automatically proving (not just checking
like QuickCheck, but formal proofs) stated properties in Haskell
programs.  It's very cool. http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~ws506/tryzeno/

I would not characterize "provable code" as an essential defining
property of Haskell, though it is easier than in imperative and in
strict functional languages.  Again, Agda and Coq are really the ones
that stand out in the provable code arena.  And certainly I have an
easier time mentally informally verifying the correctness of Haskell
code than in other languages, because referential transparency removes
many of the subtleties encountered in the process.  I am often 100%
sure of the correctness of my refactors.


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