I did some work years ago about giving a predicate logic treatment of Haskell, 
based on earlier work for Miranda, and formalised some proofs based on this in 
Isabelle. Here are the links:

Logic for Miranda, revisited [from Formal Aspects of Computing, 1995]

Formulating Haskell [from Functional Programming, Glasgow 1992]

Miranda in Isabelle (with Steve Hill) [from Isabelle Workshop, 1995]


On 11 Feb 2011, at 11:06, C K Kashyap wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I've come across this a few times - "In Haskell, once can prove the 
> correctness of the code" - Is this true?
> I know that static typing and strong typing of Haskell eliminate a whole 
> class of problems - is that related to the proving correctness?
> Is it about Quickcheck - if so, how is it different from having test sutites 
> in projects using mainstream languages?
> Regards,
> Kashyap
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