
Robert Clausecker wrote:
Each instruction has up to three operands, looking like this:

     @+4 (Jump for bytes forward)
      "foo" (the string foo"

etc. A string literal may contain anything but a newline, (there are
no escape codes or similar). But when I  add a check for a newline,
the parser just fails and the next one is tried. This is undesired, as
I want to return an error like "unexpected newline" instead. How is
this handled in other parsers?

I would expect that the other parsers are tried, but fail, because they do not accept an initial quotation mark. You get two errors messages then:

  1. Unexpected newline after quotation mark
  2. Unexpected quotation mark

These two error messages reflect the two ways to solve the problem: Either delete the first quotation mark, or add a second one.


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