The problem is
  lexOrder s@[_] = s
where you just give back what you receive, i.e. [Char].
But you claim to give back [[Char]].
Try [s] on the right-hand side.

On 05/04/2011 02:41 PM, Barbara Shirtcliff wrote:
On May 4, 2011, at 7:21 AM, Ivan Lazar Miljenovic wrote:

On 4 May 2011 13:13, Barbara Shirtcliff<>  wrote:

In the following solution to problem 24, why is nub ignored?
I.e. if you do lexOrder of "0012," you get twice as many permutations as with 
"012," even though I have used nub.


lexOrder :: [Char] ->  [[Char]]
lexOrder s
  | length s == 1    = [s]
  | length s == 2    = z : [reverse z]
  | otherwise        = concat $ map (\n ->  h n) [0..((length s) - 1)]
                    where z = sort $ nub s -- why is the nub ignored here?
                          h :: Int ->  [String]
                          h n = map (z!!n :) $ lexOrder $ filter (\c ->  lexI c 
z /= n) z
As a guess, I think it's from the usage of length on the right-hand size.

Also, note that "lexOrder s@[_] = [s]" is nicer than "lexOrder s |
length s == 1 = [s]".
I agree that that initial version was a little clumsy, but your suggestion 
doesn't really seem to work:

lexOrder :: [Char] ->  [[Char]]
lexOrder s@[_] = s
lexOrder s =
          concat $ map (\n ->  h n) [0..((length z) - 1)]
          where z = sort $ nub s
                h :: Int ->  [String]
                h n = map (z!!n :) $ lexOrder $ filter (\c ->  lexI c z /= n) z

     Couldn't match expected type `[Char]' with actual type `Char'
     Expected type: [[Char]]
       Actual type: [Char]
     In the expression: s
     In an equation for `lexOrder': lexOrder s@[_] = s

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