> At least one thing I've concluded is that it really should be
> presented as two concepts, rather than three.  So we should talk
> about, e.g., producers, consumers, and pipeline stages that do both.

I think that's a great idea.

I'd been thinking about using the terms Source and Sink, but Source is
> very overloaded, and "SinkSource" doesn't exactly roll off the tongue
> or evoke a particularly helpful intuition.

One good thing I can say for the Enumerator/Iteratee nomenclature is that it
nicely connotes the inversion of control (i.e., the "push" data flow) that
enumerator is all about. Enumera*tor** *feeds Itera*tee* -- subject, verb,
object. Producer/Consumer connotes the same by allusion to the
producer-consumer pattern of thread synchronization.


On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 9:47 AM, <dm-list-haskell-c...@scs.stanford.edu>wrote:
> This is a question I struggled a lot with.  I definitely agree that
> the terms are pretty intimidating to new users.
> At least one thing I've concluded is that it really should be
> presented as two concepts, rather than three.  So we should talk
> about, e.g., producers, consumers, and pipeline stages that do both.
> I'd been thinking about using the terms Source and Sink, but Source is
> very overloaded, and "SinkSource" doesn't exactly roll off the tongue
> or evoke a particularly helpful intuition.
> In the end, I decided just to come up with new terms that wouldn't
> carry any pre-conceptions (e.g., what's an "Inum"?), and then build
> the intuition through copious documentation...
> I'm open to suggestion here.  I've already overhauled the naming
> conventions in the library once.  Initially I used the names EnumI and
> EnumO for Inum and Onum.  I think the old names were much worse,
> especially since Enum is a fundamental typeclass that has absolutely
> nothing to do with enumerators.
> David
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