Hi. I am kind of tired of all of the parentheses I have to put in places and I'm trying to figure out what is the correct way to write code such that I can leave out parentheses. For example, I have the following:

data Message = ... --leaving this out because it's not important
data Plane = Plane {
  id          :: Int,
  position    :: (Int,Int,Int),
  direction   :: Int,
  path        :: [Int],
  messagebuf  :: Chan Message

main = do
  c <- newChan :: Chan Message
  p <- Plane 0 (0,0,0) 0 [] c
  f p

f p = putStrLn $ (show Main.id p) ++ " - message received"

This causes an error "The function `show' is applied to two arguments". If I put instead:
f p = putStrLn $ (show . Main.id p) ++ " - message received"

I get the error "Couldn't match expected type `[Char]' with actual type `a0 -> c0'". The only way it seems to work is
f p = putStrLn $ (show (Main.id p)) ++ " - message received"

This seems to be the same for many other situations where I try to use function composition of some sort. It's just getting kind of annoying.

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