On 5/12/11 4:03 PM, Serguey Zefirov wrote:
Just pretty-print a Exp.

It seems that "show $ ppr exp" will produce exactly what you need.

The same goes for Dec (declarations), etc.

ah ok, thanks!

fwiw, here's a way to extract a list of module names that need to be imported, adapted from an example by Neil Mitchell using generics:

extractModules :: Data a => a -> [String]
extractModules = sort . nub . everything (++) ([] `mkQ` f)
     where f (NameQ x) = [modString x]
           f (NameG _ _ x) = [modString x]
           f _ = []

which can be used to output a source code module:

mkModule :: (Data a, Ppr a) => [String] -> String -> a -> String
mkModule exts name e =
    unlines ([ "{-# LANGUAGE " ++ intercalate ", " exts ++ " #-}"
             , "module " ++ name ++ " where" ]
             ++ map ("import qualified " ++) (extractModules e))
             ++ show (ppr e)

good enough for now ;)


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