Ahh, never mind... I just realized there's no way to relate the `info` in the instance to the `info` in the class definition.

Alright, I'll keep trying to make this work. Sorry for the noise!

/ Emil

2011-05-16 12:19, Emil Axelsson skrev:

At the end of this message is a program with a simple expression type,
and a class `ToExpr` that generalizes expressions to arbitrary Haskell
types. Every node in `Expr` is annotated with some abstract information.
The program raises the following type error:

      Couldn't match type `(,) a' with `(,) (a, a)'
      Inaccessible code in the instance declaration
      In the instance declaration for `ToExpr (a, b)'

It seems that the mere existence of the constraint

    info (a,b) ~ (info a, info b)

causes this error. I was hoping that this constraint would make it
possible to construct the value (ia,ib) in the class instance, which is
otherwise not allowed.

Note: I don't want to make `info` an associated type. The idea is to
make this work with any type function `info` that fulfills the above

Is there any way to make this work?

/ Emil


{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

data Expr info a
      Int  :: info a     ->  Int ->  Expr info a
      Pair :: info (a,b) ->  Expr info a ->  Expr info b ->  Expr info (a,b)

getInfo :: Expr info a ->  info a
getInfo (Int info _)    = info
getInfo (Pair info _ _) = info

class ToExpr a
      type Internal a
      toExpr :: a ->  Expr info (Internal a)

      ( ToExpr a
      , ToExpr b
      , info (a,b) ~ (info a, info b)
      ) =>
        ToExpr (a,b)
      type Internal (a,b) = (Internal a, Internal b)
      toExpr (a,b) = Pair (ia,ib) (toExpr a) (toExpr b)
          ia = getInfo a
          ib = getInfo b

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