This is a bit of a tangent, but has anyone developed wiki software in

If anyone is working on this or interested in working on it, I'd like to
help. I've built simple wiki applications with Python web frameworks and
have been looking for a good project to start learning one of the Haskell
web application frameworks. Eventually it'd be nice to proudly advertise all
the prominent Haskell community pages as being powered by Haskell.


On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 12:50 PM, Greg Weber <> wrote:

> I have been trying to make a few edits to the haskell wiki and find it an
> excruciating process when I press save and then have to wait a long time to
> see if the save will go through. I just clicked on the introduction page and
> it may have took an entire minute to load.
> Can we put at the top: this wiki written in php, not haskell!
> Seriously though, the wiki has performed poorly for a long time now. It
> gives a bad impression to newcomers and deters contributions. Can I (and
> others!) donate money so someone can make the wiki responsive?
> Thanks,
> Greg Weber
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