On Sun, 2011-06-05 at 21:58 +0200, Gregory Collins wrote:
> $5 for XCode is annoying, but apparently Apple "had" to start charging
> for it because of Sarbanes-Oxley and the way they set up their
> "generally accepted accounting principles".

That's interesting... whatever the reason, though, I concur that using
Haskell seems much easier on Linux and Windows.  I had to abandon a plan
to introduce Haskell in a class I taught this past semester because of
issues with getting it installed on the Macintosh laptops that some of
the students had.  It's very unfortunate that Haskell on Mac requires
software which can neither be bundled in the install kit nor downloaded
freely from elsewhere.

The part of this that is actually needed is the GCC build system, right?
Can't that be bundled on its own in a freely downloadable location?

Spoken as a non Mac user...

Chris Smith

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