Am 17.10.2011 17:26, schrieb Bas van Dijk:
On 17 October 2011 13:12, Christian Maeder<>  wrote:
So your package basically supports an unfortunate mix of bytestring and
vector functions?

No, vector-bytestring exports the same API as bytestring (except for
the Show and Read instances which will hopefully be fixed in a new
vector release).

Yes, but Data.Vector.Storable can be simple imported and used in addition.

I suppose, the (derived) Data instances (from vector and the original bytestrings) break the abstraction. (So you must hope nobody is relying on this instance.)

How about proposing a better bytestring interface (if it
should not just be that of vector)?

I'm all for improving the interface but the goal of vector-bytestring
is that it can be used as a drop-in replacement for bytestring without
changing to much code.

Changing back to another drop-in replacement for bytestring will be difficult if functions from Data.Vector.Storable have been used.

Thanks Christian



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