Yeah, I was going to mention Smalltalk too, as one of the languages NOT using 
plain text to store programs — which led to a very strong boundary between ST 
and other world, not doing any favors to the first.

The idea of using some non-plaintext-based format to store programs appeared 
lots of times, without any significant achivements. And I think one of the main 
reasons for that is that it makes interacting with other tools extremely 
difficult. Not just with pre-existing tools. Even if grep didn't exist, it 
would be very easy to hack something like it if you need to search your 
codebase for a specific word; you don't need any complex APIs to read plain 
text files, there are just two functions — one to read a line of code, and 
another one to check for eof. Similarly, it's easy to generate your Java files 
with a Perl script — with Perl itself not knowing anything about Java. Text has 
the advantage of being SIMPLE — and the vague idea of "embedding a spreadsheet 
in your code" (what the hell for?) doesn't come close to beating it.

And you know what? You don't really need to give up text-based storage to have 
graphic capabilities. Windows resources files (.rc) are text-based, and there 
are plenty of visual editors for them, including one in Visual Studio; and, 
thankfully, it still produces the same old text-based file — and sometimes it's 
very desirable to look into one, for example, if you want to know which control 
is tagged with this ID.

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22.10.2011, в 21:06, "Claus Reinke" <> написал(а):

>> The world needs programmers to accept and take seriously Greg Wilson's 
>> extensible programming, and stop laughing it off as "lolwut wysiwyg msword 
>> for programming", and start implementing it.
> Who is "the world"? For starters, I don't think it is Greg Wilson's
> idea, and if you look for alternate sources, often under other titles, you'll 
> find parts of it implemented, with varying degrees of success
> and often little acceptance. The idea is much older than one might think - 
> conferences on extensible languages were held around 1970. 
> Early implementation approximations didn't have the disposable computing 
> power of today's PCs, nor did early implementers find
> an audience ready for their ideas (to feed their students or themselves, some 
> of those who were such ahead of the curve had to switch to working on more 
> conventional, funded, topics).
> Useful search keys:
> - extensible languages (as in AI, the meaning of "extensible" tends
>   to be redefined whenever a problem gets solved, so many features
>   that used to mark an extensible language in the past have now
>   become standard)
> - structure editors (in that they were forerunners of projectional
>   IDEs, and exhibited some of their advantages and disadvantages;
>   there have been many efforts to generate structure editors from    language 
> descriptions)
> - projectional language workbenches (instead of parsing source
>   to AST, the IDE/workbench operates on an AST-like abstract
>   model, and source code views are just projections of that;    makes it 
> easier to embed sublanguages);
>   Smalltalkers will probably claim their image-based IDEs have
>   been doing that all along.
> - hyper-programming (where persistent runtime data can be    embedded in code 
> via linking, similar to hypertext, with
>   generic editors instead of generic Read/Show)
> - Banana Algebra: Syntactic Language Extension via an Algebra    of Languages 
> and Transformations (one example of research
>   on language composition)
> IDE generators, IDE tooling for domain-specific languages, language-oriented 
> programming, language workbenches, ... they all contribute to the now broader 
> interest in the topic.
> In the context of Haskell, there once was Keith Hanna's
> document-centered programming:
> Perhaps Keith's projects can serve as an inspiration to just start hacking?-) 
> The subject is an instance of these quotes:
> "The future is already here - it's just not very evenly distributed."
> William Gibson
> "The best way to predict the future is to invent it."
> Alan Kay
> Claus
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