Am 26.10.2011 01:49, schrieb Tom Hawkins:
Can someone provide guidance on how handle operator precedence and
associativity with Polyparse?

Do you mean parsing something like "1 + 2 * 3" ?  I don't think
there's any real difference in using Polyparse vs Parsec for this,
except for doing "p `orElse` q" rather than "try p<|>  q".

Actually, I was looking for something equivalent to
Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr.buildExpressionParser.  I suppose I
should learn how Parsec implements this under the hood.

I would do it as described under chainl1 in

I believe Parsec.Expr cannot handle a prefix operator (i.e. unary minus) properly, that has lower precedence than an infix operator (i.e. "^" power). If it can parse "-x^2" as "-(x^2)" then if cannot parse "x^ -2" as "x^(-2)".

Cheers Christian


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